Bretzel: one more reason to love Alsace

I was once talking to a friend about how the Alsace region suffers a great unjustice. That's because the region has been the stage of countless historical achievements: political, scientific and mainly culinary.
But why unjust? Because the region, which has always been the subject of fights between French and Germans, does not take credit for its creations, which are often attributed to Germans.
An example of this is bretzel , an Alsatian bread that we in America mistakenly call a pretzel, with a P.
The Alsatian creation is surrounded by a legend that says a baker once insulted a lady without knowing that she had important contacts. She had him arrested and sentenced to hang. The king therefore said that he would be released if he made a loaf on which the sun could be seen to shine three times.
Days later, the baker presented a loaf that released him from prison. Placing the bread against the sun, it shone three times.


The bretzel is still a symbol of Alsatian bakers AND of Alsace, it is a simple and tasty bread. In this recipe, taken from the website Journal des Femmes, you will manage to make a delicious bretzel!

In this recipe for 6 people, you will need:

  • 500g of flour
  • 300ml of milk
  • 10g of organic yeast (preferably in cubes)
  • 1 colher de café de sal
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 30g of butter
  • 1 1/2 liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 40g baking soda
  • coarse salt

The preparation mode consists of 6 steps, all very simple:

1- In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt (1 coffee spoon) and combine the butter, milk and yeast. If you only have dry yeast, dilute it in a little warm water before adding it to the bowl.
2- Knead well until the dough no longer sticks to your fingers.
3- Let the dough rest covered with a cloth in a warm place for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
4- Boil the water in a pan with the salt and baking soda. Meanwhile, spread the dough on a work surface and cut it into 10 equal pieces.
5- Shape the bretzels and dip them one by one in boiling water, wait for them to rise to the top. surface and drain on paper towels.
6- Preheat oven to 200°C. Place the pretzels on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, sprinkle with rock salt and cut several notches into each pretzel. Bake for 15 minutes.


And it's ready! And instead of salt, you can also put grated cheese and brown it in the oven, it’s delicious! And it's a recipe worth testing!
Thank you, you're welcome! I know I just changed your life!

A bientôt and Pardon my French! ;)

Giovanna Rua

I'm that woman who sings "All I want for Christmas is you" for Christmas, shouts "Charlie Brown" after saying that comes from Santos and loves a coxinha. In other words, I do no more than my obligation.

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